- [S84] Family Bible Record of Allen Townsend of Madison County, Florida contained in the bible titled The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, ((New York:,Amer. Bible Soc., 1848)), Original owned by Blanche Duval Smith of Florida. Photo copy of record in possession of writer.. (Hereafter cited as Allen Townsend 1848 Bible).
- [S146] Wirt Johnson Carrington, A History of Halifax County (Virginia), (Baltimore, Maryland: Regional Publ Co, 1969), National Genealogical Society Library, Arlington, Virginia. F232.H1763. (Hereafter cited as History of Halifax County (Virginia)).
- [S147] Catherine Lindsay Knorr, Marriage Bonds and Minister' Returns of Halifax County VA (1753-1800), ((1957)), National Genealogical Society Library, Arlington, Virginia. H232.H17k56. (Hereafter cited as Marriage Bonds Halifax Co. VA).
- [S149] George Calvin Waltrip III, Halifax County Cemeteries - Volume Two, (1986), National Genealogical Society Library, Arlington, Virginia. F232.H17W21985. (Hereafter cited as Halifax Co. VA Cemeteries - Vol Two).
- [S150] "William H. Rigell Bible". Pages contained in the George Wiley File. National Society DAR Library, Washington D.C. Copy in possession of writer.
- [S182] Robert Henry Wheeler, "Littleberry Webb Family Records". Supplied in 1991 by Robert N. Wheeler, P. O. Box 1210, Keystone Heights, Florida 32656, These records consist of Family Group records and a computer database of descendents of the family of Littleberry Augustus Webb (1844-1904) as compliled by Mr. Wheeler over many years. Mr. Wheeler's grandmother is Ida M. Webb (third child of Littleberry) who married Robert Alison Wheeler in 1889.. Copy in posession of writer.
- [S188] Dorothy Henderson Morgan, The Tompkins of Washington Co. Georgia & Related Families, (Macon, Georgia:, 1977), Allen County Public Library, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Gc929.2 T59905m. (Hereafter cited as Tompkins of Washington Co. Georgia).
- [S194] Gussie Tompkins Knight, "Knight - Tompkins Family Group Sheets". Supplied 1992 by Gussie Knight, P. O. Box 505, Madison, Georgia 30650, In possession of writer.
- [S195] Montgomery County Georgia Marriage Records, Montgomery County Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Georgia. (Hereafter cited as Montgomery Co., GA Marriage Records).
- [S196] Delwyn Associates, Records of Washington County, Georgia, (Albany, Georgia: Delwyn Assoc., 1975), Allen County Public Library, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. 975.801 w27d. (Hereafter cited as Records of Washington County, Georgia).
- [S198] Folks Huxford, Huxford Family Card File, Huxford Library, Homerville, Georgia.
- [S199] Charles W. Adams, Survey of Lowndes County Georgia Cemeteries 1825-1987, (Valdosta, GA: Genealogy Unlmtd,1988), (Hereafter cited as Lowndes Co. Georgia Cemeteries).
- [S200] Elizabeth Pritchard Newsom, "Elizabeth P. Newsom Genealogical Note Cards". These note cards were prepared by Mrs. Newsom over many years of her genealogical researching in Georgia and Washington County. There are thousands of cards, one for each individual that she encountered records of, The cards contain notations regarding land lotteries, newspaper legal notices, military service, taxes, census, church notes, sheriff sales, credit accounts in local stores and other miscellaneous information. These note cards are an extremely valuable source of information on early inhabitants of Washington County as most records prior to the civil war were destroyed by courthouse fires or war. The cards have been xeroxed and bound into notebooks. In possession of the Washington Co. Georgia Genealogical Society, Sandersville, Georgia.
- [S202] Pam Roop Kirkland, "Eddie Lee Kirkland Pedigree Chart". This chart was sent to me by Pam Kirkland of Del City, Oklahoma on 5 Mar 1991, It is a standard pedigree chart containing the ancestors of her husband, Eddie Lee Kirkland going back up to 6 generations.
- [S203] Charlie William & M. Jean Ekker Johnson, "Johnson Family Records". Supplied by Jean Ekker Johnson of Gibsonton, Florida on 15 June 1991,.
- [S209] Jane Sims Adams, "William Thomas Sullivan Family Records". Supplied in 1992 by Jane Adams, Valdosta, Georgia, These records consist of Mrs. Adams compilation of the descendants of William Thomas Sullivan (1850-1925) who is her great grandfather. Many of these records were published in 1986 in "Robert and Mary Lanier McCall" by L. C. McCall. Copy in posession of writer.
- [S210] Susan J. Hauth Zellers, "Zellers - Ponder Family Records". Supplied in July 1993 in the form of a GEDCOM file by Susan J. Zellers, 3744 S. State Rd. 15, Warsaw, Indiana 46580, These records contain some of the descendents of Victoria Florida Townsend and her husband, Ephraim D. Ponder. Ms. Zellers is the great, great, great granddaughter of Allen Townsend and Sarah Briant through their daughter Victoria Florida Townsend. Copy in posession of writer.
- [S219] Doris Williams Everett, "Letters from Doris Williams Everett to J. T. Burval - July 1991". These letters contain information on the descendants of Doris Williams Everett and Edward Murphy Everett of Madison Co., Florida. Doris is the daughter of Odessa Caulk Williams, In possession of writer.
- [S222] 1870 U.S. Census of Brooks County, Georgia, NARA Pub. M593, Roll 137, National Archives, Washington D.C.. (Hereafter cited as 1870 Census Brooks GA).
- [S225] Elizabeth Bishop Palmer, "Letter From Elizabeth Bishop Palmer to Elizabeth Gay, June 1989". Written in June of 1989 by Elizabeth Bishop Palmer to her daughter Elizabeth Palmer Gay of Moultrie, Georgia, It provides the names of members of the John David Tompkins, whom Mrs. Palmer knew while growing up in Suwannee County, Florida. Copy in posession of writer.
- [S226] William Jowers Estate Papers - Barnwell Co. South Carolina, Court of Ordinary, (1853), Courthouse, Barnwell Co. South Carolina. (Hereafter cited as William Jowers Estate Papers).
- [S228] William H. Manning and Edna A. Manning, Barnwell County South Carolina Records, ((1964)), Ladson Genealogical Library - Vidalia. Georgia. (Hereafter cited as Barnwell Co. SC Records).
- [S231] Jody Brannan Childs, "Brannan Family Records". Supplied in March of 1994 by Jody Childs in the form of a GEDCOM file, Copy in posession of writer.
- [S234] Jerrie Ponder Daly, "Ponder Family Records". Supplied in 1994 and updated in 1999 by Jerrie Daly of 1679 Hinton Trail North, Oakdale, MN 55128, These Ponder family records consist of several family group sheets showing some of the descendants of Ephriam D. Ponder (1833-1904) of Georgia and his wife, Victoria Florida Townsend. Jerrie Ponder is their descendant. Copy in posession of writer.
- [S236] Donald L. Brim, "Brim Family Records". Supplied 6 May 1994 by Donald L. Brim, Rt. 1, Box 190-10, Brooker, FL 32622., These records consist of pedigree charts and family group sheets of Mr. Brim's Davis, Parker and Sullivan ancestors.. Copy in posession of writer.
- [S267] Estelle V. Lencses, "John Kirby Jackson - Elizabeth Jane Hufham family group sheet". Supplied December, 1992 by Estelle V. Lencses, 7845 Camino Real #308, Miami, Florida 33143. This sheet contains the family of John K. Jackson and Elizabth J. Hufham..
- [S282] Levy Co. Florida Marriage Records, (Microfilm Copy), Florida Archives and History Library, Tallahassee, Florida or as published in the Rootsweb archives of the Levy County, Florida USGenWeb pages.. (Hereafter cited as Levy Co. Florida Marriage Records).
- [S288] Winnie Smith Hodges, Cemeteries of Hamilton County, Florida, (Live Oak, FL: Miles Printing, ca. 1990), (Hereafter cited as Cemeteries of Hamilton Co., FL).
- [S289] Linda Sue Williams Hughes to Letter to Joseph T. Burval, Letter dated dated 8 November 1997,.
- [S323] Sherry Lynn Tompkins, "William Tompkins family group sheets". Supplied 23 February 1999 by Sherry Lynn Tompkins, Madison County, Florida.
- [S326] James Marvin Brannon, "Brannan Family Records". Supplied 7 March 1999 by Bette Taylor Harrison, 1209 Forrest Drive, Arlington, Texas 76012. These records consist of family group sheets of the family and descendants of William Frank Brannan. They were prepared by James Marvin Brannon, who obtain much of this information from his father, John Franklin Brannon.
- [S392] Alica Rawls Allen, "Chambless Family Records". Supplied 19 January 2000 in the form of a GEDCOM file by Alica Allen, 6565 Hwy 329, Montezuma, Georgia 31063. Alica is the wife of Jerry Allen, great grandson of Eola Corene Chambless.
- [S408] 1850 U. S. Census of Covington County, Alabama, NARA Pub. M432, Roll 4, As published on the Internet at http://home.att.net/~TrackingYourRoots/tyralachart.htm#Covington. (Hereafter cited as 1850 Census Covington AL).
- [S411] 1850 U. S. Census of Washington County, Georgia, NARA Pub. M432, National Archives, Washington D.C.. (Hereafter cited as 1850 Census Washington GA).
- [S416] Patricia Bryant Hammock to to Joseph T. Burval, Letter dated e-mail dated 6 June 2000, from from e-mail address.
- [S422] Testator Listed in Will of John Tompkins, Will dated 9 May 1836 in Will Book A, 1777-1865, p. 272. Proved 20 January 1840, Jefferson County, Georgia,.
- [S480] William Doub Bennett, Smithwick Genealogy as published in Hugh Smithwick Descendants, (Williamston, NC: Martin County Historical Society, 1997), W. D. Bennett's "Smithwick Genealogy" was included in the book "Hugh Smithwick Descendants" published by the Martin County Historical Society, (Hereafter cited as Bennett, Smithwick Genealogy).
- [S548] 1920 U. S. Census of Escambia County, Florida, NARA Pub. T625, Roll 220, (Hereafter cited as 1920 Census Escambia FL).
- [S708] Martha Lou Houston, Reprint of Official Register of Land Lottery of Georgia 1827, (Clearfield Co., 1928), (Hereafter cited as Register of 1827 GA Land Lottery).
- [S709] 1830 U. S. Population Census of Randolph County, Georgia, NARA Pub. M-19, Roll 20, National Archives, Washington D.C.. (Hereafter cited as 1830 Census Randolph GA).
- [S710] 1830 U. S. Population Census of Washington County, Georgia, NARA Pub. M-19, Roll 21, National Archives, Washington D.C.. (Hereafter cited as 1830 Census Washington GA).
- [S711] 1820 U. S. Population Census of Washington County, Georgia, NARA Pub. M-33, Roll 9, National Archives, Washington D.C.. (Hereafter cited as 1820 Census Washington GA).
- [S712] Clinton Ward Tanner, "Tanner Family Records". Supplied 22 November 2002 by Cllinton Tanner, 118 Covington Place, Macon, Georgia 31210. Clinton is the greatgrandson of Solomon Francis "Butcher' Tanner.. These records are in the form of a Familly Tree File file entitled Tanner Family Master..
- [S717] 1850 U. S. Population Census of Jefferson County, Georgia, NARA Pub. M432, Roll 75, National Archives, Washington D.C.. (Hereafter cited as 1850 Census Jefferson GA).
- [S746] Audrey Catherine Chandler Ross, "Marion Daniel Sullivan Family". Supplied 21 Aug 2008 by Cathy Ross, via e-mail from e-mail address. These records were collected by Cathy Ross, who is the grandaughter of Marion Daniel Sullivan.
- [S761] Brent H. Holcomb, Anson County North Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1749-1766 Abstracts of Wills & Estates, (1749-1795), (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1980), South Carolina Department of Archives and History - Columbia, South Carolina. (Hereafter cited as Anson County Deeds and Will Abstracts).
- [S762] Anson County North Carolina Deeds, Anson County NC Courthouse. (Hereafter cited as Anson County NC Deeds).
- [S763] Michael Watson Estate Papers, Microfilmed Copy of Abbeville Dist. South Carolina Estate Papers. Box 100, Pack 2463 . Estate of Michael Watson., South Carolina Department of Archives and History - Columbia, South Carolina. (Hereafter cited as Michael Watson Estate Papers).
- [S764] Anson County Record of Wills 1751-1795, Anson County NC Courthouse. (Hereafter cited as Anson Co. NC Will Book 1751-1795).
- [S828] 1850 Federal Population Census o Barnwell County, South Carolina, NARA Pub. M432, Roll 849, (Hereafter cited as 1850 Census Barnwell SC).